Hello everyone! Privacy of information is an important topic to all of us. So I’d like to let you know what information we have and how we use it, so you can be assured of your privacy.
Information We Collect
When you sign up for our email newsletter we collect your email address and sometimes your first and last name. We do not give your email or name away or sell it to anyone.
When you purchase something from our online store we do not see or collect any credit card or bank information. PayPal handles all that so that we don’t have to. What we do collect is name and address and obviously, what you bought. Again, we will not give your personally identifiable information away or sell it to anyone.
Girls Build Club website collects website data (by way of cookies) that helps us know what our visitors like to read. We use data such as how you found us – was it a google search, or a link from another site, or did you just type in the address to your browser bar. Other data might be from what countries are people visiting our website, what pages and posts on the website are most popular, etc. We use Google Analytics to collect all kinds of visitor data but it doesn’t tell us anything about your personally identifiable info. All this information helps us to produce content that you like, which helps us earn an income to pay for this blog.
Our Promise To You
We are dedicated to honesty and integrity in our personal lives and in running Girls Build Club.
If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please don’t hesitate to ask or make any suggestions.
Now go build something!
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